  • Phone : 0803 616 3777
  • Opening Time : 8:00am-5:00pm

Why Choose Tiny Toes Academy

We are built for excellence

Expert Teachers

We have God fearing teachers who are conversant with ICT to ensure we bring out the best in your kids

Active Learning

Thriving Toes Academy school has a fully equipped classrooms and incorporates e-learning to give students the best in education


Your wards are fed with adequate nutrition under the full supervision of our professional Thriving Toes Nutritionalist

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School Bus

We provide school shuttle bus services for interested parents, who might find it inconvenient to pick and drop their wards


Thriving Toes Academy school have well trained security personnel on a 24 hours service incase of security emergencies


We practice the Clean and Green initiative to wash toilets immediately after use to ensure we breach challenges

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Welcome to Thriving Toes Academy

We are a school dedicated to providing quality education and care for children.
At our school, we aim to develop the whole child by providing your child with high quality education in a friendly, clean, comfortable and safe environment which your child will find stimulating, exciting and challenging. We are committed to providing the very best education to ensure that every child reaches their maximum potential and develop a lasting love of learning and sense of curiousity about the world around them. We aim to deliver excellent education by providing a stimulating, rich and relevant curriculum which balances teaching with creative and imaginative opportunities to prepare and equip our pupils for the challenging and fast changing world in which we live.
At Thriving Toes Academy, we exemplify mutual respect while encouraging our pupils to achieve personal success and move with confidence into a world of endless possibilities. Our team of educators work together in the pursuit of excellence for all.

Give your kids the best!