  • Phone : 0803 616 3777
  • Opening Time : 8:00am-5:00pm

Why Choose Tiny Toes Academy

We are built for excellence

Expert Teachers

We have God fearing teachers who are conversant with ICT to ensure we bring out the best in your kids

Active Learning

Tiny Toes Academy school has a fully equipped classrooms and incorporates e-learning to give students the best in education


Your wards are fed with adequate nutrition under the full supervision of our professional Tiny Toes Nutritionalist

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School Bus

We provide school shuttle bus services for interested parents, who might find it inconvenient to pick and drop their wards


Tiny Toes Academy school have well trained security personnel on a 24 hours service incase of security emergencies


We practice the Clean and Green initiative to wash toilets immediately after use to ensure we breach challenges

Welcome to Tiny Toes Academy

At Tiny Toes Academy, our pride ia in the measurable development of your child because we focus and deal with each child as an individual and encourage them to express themselves thereby helping them to grow and learn in their own ways.
We also pride ourselves in the serenity, safety and the sophistication of the learning environment that we have created for your child. Because safety is paramount to us, we have carefully painstakingly created a safe haven for your child to play, grow and learn by ensuring that all health and safety hazards/threats have been eliminated to an insignificant level.
The Early Years classes providea relaxed atmosphere, enabling parents to leave their children in the care of qualified and experienced staff with complete peace of mind. Parents can be sure that their child will be encouraged to become confident and will learn the vital social skills necessary for their future school life.
We work in close partnership with parents to ensure children feel secure in a comfortable and stimulating environment. Parents are encouraged to discuss their children's development and progress on a regular basis.

We aim to provide a friendly, clean, comfortable and safe environment which your child will find stimulating, exciting and challenging.
We aim to develop each child as an individual and as member of a small team to ensure adequate focus on each child's development requirements and needs.
We have created an environment where learning will be fun with lots of activities that allows reasoning and discovery.
Our staffs are carefully selected, will be periodically trained and supervised to meet the needs of children in their care and to respect each child as an individual, taking into accounts their personal circumstances.
Our Classes:
• Creche (3-18 months)
• Playgroup (18 months to 2 years)
• Reception (2-3 years)
• Nursery 1 (3 to 4 years)
• Nursery 2 (4 to 5 years)

Children learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered by Tiny Toes Academy help children to continue to do this by providing them with interesting activities that are right for their age and stage of development.
The school follows the UK Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) ensuring a well structured comprehensive curriculum carefully designed for your child’s development. The EYFS sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.
The curriculum divides children's learning and development into 6 areas:
1. Personal social and emotional development
2. Communication, language and literacy development
3. Mathematical development
4. Knowledge and understanding of the world
5. Physical development
6. Creative development

Give your kids the best!