  • Phone : 0803 616 3777
  • Opening Time : 8:00am-5:00pm

About Tiny Toes Academy

We are a school dedicated to providing quality education and care for children.
At our school, we aim to develop the whole child by providing your child with high quality education in a friendly, clean, comfortable and safe environment which your child will find stimulating, exciting and challenging. We are committed to providing the very best education to ensure that every child reaches their maximum potential and develop a lasting love of learning and sense of curiousity about the world around them. We aim to deliver excellent education by providing a stimulating, rich and relevant curriculum which balances teaching with creative and imaginative opportunities to prepare and equip our pupils for the challenging and fast changing world in which we live.
At Tiny Toes Academy, we exemplify mutual respect while encouraging our pupils to achieve personal success and move with confidence into a world of endless possibilities. Our team of educators work together in the pursuit of excellence for all.

‘To develop a happy, thriving and well adjusted child with a passion for lifelong learning’

“To give each child a warm environment that encourages the development of socialization skills, independence and a positive self image in an atmosphere that welcomes reasoning, exploration, questions and imagination”.
We aim to support the development of each child’s potential through activities that promote independence, physical coordination, emotional growth, social competence, cognitive preparation and spiritual nourishment.
We aim to maintain a low number of pupils per class to enable us:
• Give time and attention to each child
• Talk with the children about their interests and activities
• Help children to experience and benefit from the activities we provide

Pupils enrolled in the school are treated as individuals, each learning at his or her own pace and each fulfilling the fullest potential possible. Each class teacher has a degree in Education and in addition is trained regularly on the job. Family involvement is a key element of any child's education. As such, we strive to have constant communication with families. Daily reports are sent home with students so parents are aware of their child's activities. Additionally, detailed progress reports are sent home at the end of each term. Parent-teacher sessions are also scheduled so families can better understand how their child is progressing academically and socially.


Total Students


Class Rooms


School buses


Total Teachers

Give your kids the best!